10 Curious English Facts

1. Syzygy the only English word with three Y's.The word is used to describe a rare astronomical event involving three heavenly bodies. A syzygy is the alignment of three celestial bodies in a straight line, commonly the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. 

2. Dreamt is the only word in regular English usage to end with -mt.

3. Tmesis in the only word in English language to begin with Tm- .Tmesis is the insertion of one or more words between the words that make up a compound phrase. For example: "what-so-ever" inserted in the middle of "whatever." 

4. Hydroxyzine is the only word in English with an x,y and z.
Hydroxyzine,a medication developed in the 1950s  helps you to calm  down, prevent sneezing, and impress you with unique linguistic qualities.

5."The" is the most frequently used word in English.

6.Typewriter is the longest English Word that can be typed with the letters only on the one row of a keyboard.
curious facts

7.The names of all the continents in English ends with the same letter that they start with.

8."Go" is the shortest complete sentence in the English Language.

9.Uncopyrightable and Dermatoglyphics are the longest English word containing no letter more than once.

10.Word that contains the five vowels (a, e, i, o,u) in the right order are

abstemious,facetious,arsenious,abstentious,acheilous,anemious,caesious, annelidous.