56 Must-Know Adjectives

56 Must-Know Adjectives Starting with A
  1. adaptable - able to adjust to new conditions
  2. adventurous - willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences
  3. adamant - refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind
  4. adorable -  lovable and charming
  5. admirable - excellent,surprising,very good
  6. aesthetic - concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
  7. affable - friendly
  8. afraid - feeling fear or anxiety; frightened
  9. affectionate - loving
  10. affluent - wealthy, rich
    list of adjectives
  11. aggressive - vigorous
  12. akin - similar,related,close
  13. agile - Mentally quick or alert
  14. agreeable - willing to agree to something
  15. agonizing - severe mental or physical pain or suffering
  16. aggregate - grouping together
  17. alert - watchful
  18. alive -  living
  19. aloof - not friendly,at a distance
  20. ambitious - having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed
  21. amiable - friendly
  22. amicable - friendly
  23. amusing - entertaining, funny,humorous
  24. ample - enough, plentiful
  25. angry - annoyed
  26. anguished - severe mental or physical pain or suffering
  27. annoyed - angry,irritated 
  28. anxious - worried,troubled,nervous,eager
  29. anterior - in front
  30. animate - alive or having life
  31. antique - belonging to ancient times/ having a high value because of age and quality
  32. antiseptic - preventing the growth of disease-causing microorganisms
  33. antisocial - unfriendly
  34. apt - appropriate
  35. appealing - attractive or interesting
  36. apparent - clearly visible or understood; obvious
  37. arbitrary - based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
  38. ardent - 
    very enthusiastic or passionate.
  39. arduous - involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring
  40. artistic -  creative,imaginative skills 
  41. arrogant - superior,self-important
  42. ashamed -  feeling sorry or guilty
  43. astonishing - extremely surprising or impressive; amazing
  44. astounding - surprisingly impressive or notable
  45. attentive - paying close attention to something
  46. attractive - pleasing or appealing to the senses
  47. audible - able to be heard
  48. authentic - genuine
  49. auspicious - conducive to success; favorable
  50. auxiliary - providing supplementary or additional help and support
  51. avid - having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something
  52. awake - to wake up
  53. aware - to be known
  54. awesome - extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring,amazing
  55. awful - very bad or unpleasant
  56. awkward - embarrassing, uncomfortable, unpleasant